ITneer Creative Ideas

Creative Ideas

We make IT happen with a reach across the globe supporting telecommunications software 24/7

Our Philosphy

Different people see things from different perspectives and through their own filters and experiences. As such, it is important that everybody's opinion counts. Our office door is always open and people can always come to us with their ideas and thoughts, whether it is to improve the existing systems or practices, or whether it is to propose new ideas. We have a laissez-faire policy in terms of staff and our people are free to propose any new ideas and help in their implementation.

Our distinct competitive advantage is our multidisciplinary approach, characterized by technological and business experience and delivered by world-class programmers, integrators, project managers, and engineers who specialize in communications and data capture.

Why Us?

We are responsive, flexible and agile. We can work optimally with better accuracy, cost-effectiveness and efficiently. We are constantly investigating new technologies and recommend them when they make sense.
Clients have access to a 24/7, 365 days-a-year support provided by the development team. Support covers any technical issues that may occur as well as assisting with user queries.
Working with the right people produces superior results. That's why our technical team are all highly certified, experienced professionals, ensuring you always get the best person for the job. Rest assured that you have a trusted team behind you, who are not only passionate and dedicated to what they do, but are qualified to do it.
We believe that a happy client always means more for better business. We keep updated our clients at every step of planning, design and integration process. Our goal is to create a long lasting relationship with our clients, wherever they are located.

Our Parent Company

Surana Associates Inc.


  • 1880 South Lee Ct
    South Lee Business Park
    Buford GA 30518
  • Website:
  • Phone: 1-844-648-6337, 678-541-0712
  • Fax: 678-840-7680